
57th CEE Course, October 01 – 03

Zverejnené 05.09.2014

57th CEE Course, October 01 – 03

ESNM CEE Courses in CEE Countries are held since 1995 three times per year. They are the “outreach programme” of ESNM to bring education to Central and Eastern Europe. As of 2014 the ESNM CEE Courses will cover two half days with each a lecture à 3 hours for Physicians and one full day with 2 lectures à 3 hours for Physicians. One full day with 2 lectures à 3 hours for Physicists and one full day with 2 lectures à 3 hours for Technologists.

The main goal of this intensive three-day course is to bring up to date education to Central Eastern Europe.


Wednesday, October 01, sessions for Physicians:
Jacek Koziarowski - radiopharmacology for physician

Thursday, October 02, sessions for Physicians:
José Manuel Carril – PET/CT with radiolabeled choline in the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Jan Pruim - PET/CT beyond FDG

Friday, October 03, sessions for Physicians:
Marcel Stokkel – Theranostics

Thursday, October 02, sessions for Technologists:
Claudiu Pestean - EANM technologists committee: mission and projects, 99mTc milestones in radiopharmacy, Radiation protection aspects in nuclear medicine departments, PET/CT principles and methodology, Pitfalls in FDG PET-CT

Thursday, October 02, sessions for Physicists:
Áron Krizsán - Principles of Medical Imaging in Nuclear Medicine, Hybrid Imaging with SPECT/CT: Physics, Technological Aspects and Quality Control, Hybrid Imaging with PET/CT: Physics, Technological Aspects and Quality Control, Hybrid Imaging with PET/MRI and future of Nuclear Medicine


Course dates: 01.-03. October 2014

Information on application
for the 57th CEE Course

  • Only persons from Central and Eastern Europe can attend this Course.
  • The registration fee for Techs and Physicists is EURO 15,-
  • The registration fee for Physicians is EURO 30,-
  • ESNM pays accommodation in shared double rooms for Physicians from October 01 until October 03 and shared double rooms for Technologists and Physicists from October 02 until October 03.
  • Registration fees include participation at the Course, accommodation in shared double room’s incl. breakfast. Coffee breaks on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Lunch on Thursday, joint dinner on Thursday and hand-outs.
  • Registrations are accepted on the first come first served basis
  • Registrations need to be paid in advance by credit card, only Visa and Master Card are accepted (via the PDF registration form, provided on the website)
  • It is NOT possible to pay extra for a single room and it is NOT possible to share the room with wife/husband, who is not an accepted participant of the Course.
  • No extra nights will be paid by the ESNM.

Registration form should be sent to the ESNM Office esnmoffice@eanm.org,
no later than September 24th 2014.