The ESNM has just started offering a series of 12 recorded webinars entitled “PET and MoRe”, in cooperation with Philips Healthcare.
Zverejnené 18.06.2013

All webinars of this series are free of charge!
The ESNM has just started offering a series of 12 recorded webinars entitled “PET and MoRe”, in cooperation with Philips Healthcare. The recorded webinars are about PET/MR and the latest developments in PET/CT, and are CME certified.
The focus of these webinars is on new technologies which take time to be incorporated as standard techniques into regular training programs, and they should be seen as a supplement to the ESNM Learning Courses. For each successfully completed webinar a customer will get 1 CME point.
A faculty of experts in the field will provide an insight into these new technologies, partly by explaining the techniques and their use, but the emphasis is on discussing clinical cases and sharing experiences with the participants and demonstrating where these techniques are positioned in the clinical setting and what advantages they bring to the accuracy of diagnostic imaging in patients.
The production of this series is supervised by an Editorial Board, consisting of recognized luminaries as
O. Ratib (Geneva, Switzerlnd), J. Knuuti (Turku, Finland), N. Avril (Cleveland, USA) and C. Hoefnagel (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (Chairman).
Every month the topic and time of the latest recorded webinar is announced on the EANM website and in their monthly vNewsletter and you can enter all webinars all the time.
The webinars can be accessed via elearning.eanm.org. Visitors only need to create a login to enter the webinars.