Zverejnené 28.02.2013

European School of Nuclear Medicine 17 – 19 May 2013 Opatija, Croatia
May 17 (Friday)
- 15.00 – 18.00 PET/CT. Instrumentation, Principles and QC
M. Lonsdale, Copenhagen
May 18 (Saturday)
- 09.00 – 12.00 Radiopeptides for diagnosis and therapy F. Forrer, Basel
- 15.00 – 18.00 PET/CT beyond F-18-FDG J-N Talbot, Paris
- 20.00 - Seminar Dinner
May 19 (Sunday)
- 09.00 – 12.00 New approaches to diagnosis/treatment of thyroid cancer
M. Luster, Ulm
Following: MCQ Examination
Organizer: ESNM and Croatian Society of Nuclear Medicine
Local Organizer: Prof. Dr. Damir Dodig
Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, University of Zagreb,
Clinical Department of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Protection
Kišpatićeva 12, 10000 – Zagreb, Croatia
- (+385) 1 23 88 587 Fax: (+385) 1 23 76 040
E-mail: predstojnik.znm@kbc-zagreb.hr
Web: http://public.carnet.hr/nuclmedzg-rebro/
Venue: Convention Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic
Language: English
Arrival: 17 May 2013 in the morning hours
Registration fee: € 30, payable in cash during the registration in Opatija. It includes participation at the Seminar and 2 (two) full boards in shared double rooms, starting with lunch on Friday and ending with breakfast on Sunday. Local Organiser will not cover the travel expenses for the participants, insurances, single use of double rooms or any other extra expenses.
Accommodation: Grand Hotel Adriatic. The hotel room reservations will be done by the Organizing Committee in the name of the selected attendees. Please, indicate the name of the person you should like to share the room with.
Parking: Possible at the hotel.
Applications: To be sent by fax or e-mail to the Local Organiser. Applications are accepted on the first come first served basis! Apply as soon as possible, please.