
New Initiative: The European School of Multimodality Imaging and Therapy

Zverejnené 05.09.2016


From 2017 onwards, the EANM’s educational activities will focus on ESMIT.  As a major new initiative, we plan to hold two residential ESMIT Schools every year in partnership with university hospitals across Europe.  These educational meetings will last 3 days and will deliver interactive, multi modality teaching on 4 different subjects, or tracks.  Each track will last 1.5 days so that attendees can study 2 different topics per meeting.  In addition to interactive lectures based on the “Think-Pair-Share Approach”, participants will experience team-working with outstanding experts in multimodality imaging by attending “Buzz Sessions”, hands-on workshops and classroom polls. 

The first two ESMIT Schools will be the Spring School in Groningen, Netherlands from March 31-April 2, 2017 and the Autumn School in Cluj, Romania from September 1-3, 2017.

The programme for the Spring School will include an oncology track focussing on thoracic and prostate cancer and a musculoskeletal track on multimodality imaging in musculoskeletal disease. The Autumn School 2017 will include paediatrics and a second oncology track. 

The learning objectives and content for each course are being developed by the ESMIT Working Groups in close collaboration with EANM Committee members and Education Representatives, the Education Chair and Vice Chair. We are also liaising with Clinical Partner Societies such as ECCO, ESTRO, EACVI and ESO who are keen to support our initiative.

And this is just the start. The pace of change in our discipline and demand for multimodality imaging teaching by our trainees has never been higher.  We are relying on your help to meet the challenging goals that have been set and strengthen the unique position of diagnostic and therapeutic nuclear medicine globally.  An open call for 2018 teaching venues will be advertised shortly and we welcome centres to apply to host future School meetings.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at the EANM Congress  in Barcelona to bring you up to date about the programme, share ideas and discuss potential venues and topics for future Schools. 
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ESMIT sets sail
The Board of the EANM decided to implement a clear change to our School, the ESNM. Our community needs not only to be educated on all modalities that are used in imaging, but also to be well prepared in the therapeutic applications of our discipline. On top of this, EANM courses have to be attractive for our colleagues from the clinical specialties, from radiation oncology and from radiology. 

ESMIT, the European School on Multimodality Imaging and Therapy, is on its track and will doubtless progress further in the coming years. We wish to thank all those colleagues who contributed to this initial effort and who will sustain the School in the future. In particular, we want to acknowledge the involvement of our younger colleagues and the fruitful discussions that we had in preparing the programmes.

Arturo Chiti, EANM President 2014-2016
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ESMIT Spring School Venue
Webinar Physical principles of CT
The first ESMIT Spring School will be held in Groningen, The Netherlands, from March 31 to April 2, 2017. The University Medical Center Groningen, founded in 1798, is one of the most modern hospitals in The Netherlands. It was built according to the philosophy of “the healing environment”. It is also one of the largest hospitals, providing tertiary care to over 1.5 million people. The UMCG is easily accessible from both Amsterdam Schiphol Airport (road and train) and from Bremen Airport in Germany (road).